A renovation tale of a 1916 building

131 1st Street North, Small Town USA

The first buzz Cut

Everyone seems to be curious about what is going on at the old barber shop. First, it's getting a buzz cut (torn apart) so it can get put back together. The building went up in 1916 and was intended to be a barber shop from the start. The upstairs is said to have originally been a doctor and dentist office. The last barber, Sylvester Seymour started shaving stubble (say that fast 4 times) and giving flat tops back in the '40s. Sy cut hair for 68 years. His wife passed away in 2009 and at 91 years old Sy went into the nursing home and died a year after his wife. He was still cutting hair up till a couple years before that. After having scissors in his hands for 68 of his 91 years he could probably cut hair blindfolded. Talk to anyone and they have a story about getting their hair cut by Sy. Did he cut many new little boys hair when he was in his 80's? A few, but he did continue to have regular customers who have been sitting in his chair for as long as they can remember. You can probably pick them out walking around town, they are the old guys with long hair now that Sy is no longer in business to trim them up. As for a close razor shave, he probably quit lathering faces in his 70's for safety reasons since shaving a face is more dangerous to do blindfolded.

Earth Matters

Who thinks up names for paint?  Earth Matters is the name of what we just call the brown paint on the building.  It started at about 9:00 am on the last Friday of November and by 4:00 the Dad and the son-in-law, paint brushes in hand, had used one gallon of paint to give the front a new winter coat.  What you are looking at is a almost completed facade.  There is still crown molding to be made for the window tops, new (or new antique) doors to be hunted for, and a colored stain to be added to the window ledge.  Oh, I guess the brick has to be cleaned off too, I see there is some cement splatter.  Little by little and with each new detail, the front is taking shape.  It will be getting colder and the snow is sure to pile up, so no new details till spring.  The crown molding will be a crowning touch and there will be every attempt to salvage the old shop doors.  For now they have a coat of Earth Matters as they wait for the spring thaw.  Stay tuned!